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Friday, May 21, 2010

Chakras-- Observations and Discoveries, Continued

In my energy work of late I have continued to discover new properties of the energy body and chakra system. The first I'd like to recall was something I discovered during a Reiki treatment I was conducting on a dear friend and fellow singer/psychic therapist. As I worked on her upper chakras I noticed a very distinct anatomical relationship between the throat chakra and the third eye. Of course, all chakras are sequentially connected to one another by a stream of light energy, much like a spinal column. (And I am sure that there are unique connections between each chakra that interlace their parts to allow the energy to flow in a specific way respective to each chakra). But this relationship between the third eye and throat is quite special. In my Reiki patient I saw that the aqueduct between these two chakra centers was an exchange in which subtle higher frequencies received by the third eye were transmitted out and through the voice. The Angels and Ascended Masters I was working with explained that these higher frequencies not only translated as words of insight and wisdom from the third eye through the throat chakra, but also as beautiful resonant qualities in the sound of my patient's voice. They showed me that the beautiful sound of her speaking and singing actually carried celestial vibrations received from the third eye. These vibrations help to entrain the frequency of energy on the material plane around her to more closely match heavenly frequencies. This message is totally in alignment with everything I have been taught about singing and artistic performance: Our creativity and performance are actually direct channelings that truly make a difference in uplifting this world to a more peaceful, loving vibration. Hooray!

Another key observation I have made is that in the head area, there is a whole network of mini chakras linking the third eye, ears, and crown. This network's exact composition varies according to the individual and is influenced by his or her spiritual heritage, or "realm". For example, someone with a lot of elemental incarnations, that is to say, a soul who has spent many lifetimes in the Earth dimension as what we would call "faerie, elf, mer-creature, dryad" etc., would have a different appearance and unique quality to their third eye from someone who has had more incarnations on another plane, such as the angelic, for example.

What I have noticed often is extensions of the third eye appearing as in tryptic form. In my own third eye there are two glass-like pods extending from the bottom of my central eye like liquid leaves (It looks somewhat like this if you can imagine --o0o --). In these extensions are subtle frequencies of and attuned with the earth's vibrations, rhythms, and natural movements. Higher on my brow are smaller glass pods tracing a tiara-like pattern all across my hairline and into my ears. These pods glow deep white-silver and are filled with very pure star essences. They are of the oldest part of my soul's experiences in a far away star system and connect my own energy to the rhythms of the outer heavenly spheres of space. Connecting all of these parts, there is situated a geometric figure of light. I shall not try to describe it, for it is too complex; but I will say that I can sense every line's crossing and every angle has a deep and meaningful purpose. All of this is projected onto an inner screen on the back of my head within which I see psychic visions playing like movies. The exact functioning of the more subtle parts of my third eye I am not yet aware of, but I know that they have everything to do with my eternal knowledge and with the way I sense and experience being. I will certainly continue to update as I discover.

In recently conducting a third eye healing on a student in my shamanic journey class, I noticed similar extensions from the central point of the eye. On her, it appeared as an isosceles triangle. Her guides immediately showed me a past life of this student in which she was being inducted as a priestess of Atlantis. Part of her initiation was a ritual in which she was attuned to a very high new vibration. She placed herself into a trance as a priest traced the isosceles triangle into her forehead. In the realm of my student's past-life trance she was entering a new higher dimension on the spirit plane from which she could command high and powerful ritual healings. My student's guides showed me that she had chosen to keep this isosceles from her priestess days into her subsequent incarnations as a powerful tool for her to use if she so chose. This is a perfect example of how malleable the energy body is. We are constantly shifting and gaining new power and awareness through our energy vibrations, and may indeed choose to keep some of the structural advancements we make.

In another third eye healing on a fellow ATP student, I noticed that her third eye was currently in a powerful state of transformation. Quite naturally (as with many of us during this powerful week of transformations), she was downloading new esoteric information and spiritual power at an incredible rate. Her third eye was asking very clearly for physical purification and only positive loving thoughts to help it grow and adjust to its new high frequency. The third eye is extremely sensitive to the foods and beliefs that we consume. Our beliefs, in particular, very obviously shape our perception of reality. It is important to center our beliefs in the truth of pure unconditional self-love and acceptance as we ALL shift to the new vibrations on Earth.

The last observation I would like to discuss on the subject is the effect of flowers on the chakras. During a recent meditation I was sitting in the middle of a giant bed of peonies not far from a lilac bush. The aroma was so vivacious and freeing! As I meditated I noticed something incredible-- my chakras were dancing and spinning with flower essences. It was as if someone had poured a gentle divine honey-milk into my chakras and kissed them into blissful enchantment. They spun with SUCH grace as if each were a starring ballerina. Their colors blushed into soft nectar pastel hues and twinkled like moony rain-drops. My crown chakra in particular was quite stunning-- it had become a shade of purple like which I had never seen before and sparkled like a wet newborn diamond. I hardly need to say that the sensation of all of this was such a sweet and high pleasure! My chakras had grown lighter with almost no effort on my part. The flowers were doing the healing. I have always found that meditating in nature was a very powerful practice. But I especially recommend the pure sweetness of a flower-healing! Be sure to thank the faeries when you are through.