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Thursday, July 1, 2010

On Sexuality and the Orgasm

"Through Sex we Remove ourselves from all hurt and fear and Return to Love on the path of True Innocence."

Dear Readers,

Each morning I have been guided to breathe very, very deeply to help integrate myself with my body and into the physical world. Two mornings ago I was doing just that and meditating in the early morning light. I suck air in through my nostrils with a steady strength. My Angels ask me to reach towards feeling as if I am literally *forcing* or shooting air deep into my lungs. "Aim the air in a strong, forceful stream past any resistance from the ego and its hold of fatigue on the body. Imagine that the lungs can expand infinitely in depth, size and strength; that the air can fill you up to the edge of your skin and to the farthest reach of each extremity." As I was doing so I noticed I was filled with such a sweet feeling of pleasure and rejuvenation. The Angels asked me to take up my pen and write. What I was feeling, they explained, was a new vibration that I had just inhaled. This vibration was encoded with a message that I was to write. I picked up my pen, hardly expecting more than a few sentences, but the words exploded through me. What I channeled is below:

Sexuality is deeply sacred and esoteric by nature. We must treat it with deep reverence.

The orgasm is wrought by a continued focused stream of mental, energetic and physical pressing upon the divine source-energy within. In other words, it is achieved by touching the pure, primordial energy of God within and keeping contact and focus with that god-vibration long enough so that it spreads through the bodies. This high vibration shakes the bodies into a state of freedom from old, stagnant energy, refilling them with (or entraining them to) a high new pure-source-vibration. Each contact made with this inner divine source fills us with a fresh and progressively new and higher vibration as we learn and grow.

We hold space for those vibrations in a powerful way through Sexuality. This space is created by way of Ecstasy, or an "out of body" movement from the experience of the lower self into the creation of your body as a pure and perfect, relatively EMPTY vessel of the divine. This surrendering through pleasure to certain emptiness allows God within to course through you and take over-- to fully possess each membrane of the body that makes you up (including lower Earth-bound membranes such as the physical body, emotions, identity, and the higher).

Once this vibration has shaken itself through the farthest extremities to which we can allow it through our mental holding of space and focused engagement, we are brought to a grand and powerful release. That new-born, delivered-straight-from-the source vibration gives a blasting utterance of victory thereby making a lasting imprint upon us.

Its like the high vibrations that touch Earth and make crop circles. Imagine an extremely high vibration moving in such perfect rhythm and geometric harmony that it focuses a certain pressure. Imagine that pressure shaking the Earth, pressing an indentation into its face. Its vibrational match-making with the particles of the Earth creates a movement and a shift in shape.

It is essentially the same as a footprint made in the sand: The particles of your foot move and vibrate. They are held together by the mental output of your belief in your foot's solid existence. In turn the foot possesses a certain density that effects the sand as you walk upon it, leaving a trace of its own image and movement; its vibrational pattern.

Such is how the Orgasm makes an imprint upon your ever malleable, shape-shifting, changing and moving body (and when I say body, I am referring to what you think of as your whole life). Your body is the beach. The orgasm is the foot.

When we come back from the moment of Ecstasy, and again the illusion of self re-animates the form that you are on Earth, you possess the freshness and newness of an infant.

Children are connected so fully to the Divine because they simply haven't been away from home as long. Their bodies thus act and vibrate in the most natural and healthy of human states-- a state of constant, perfect renewal. Children hold onto nothing and so there is nothing stale, stagnant, or growing old with decay in the winds and tides of their force field.

That is the definition of true Innocence: to hold onto nothing. It is to allow all things to pass through you like a clear pane of glass allows the light.

Thus, it is through the sacred sexual act that we return to our Original Innocence. In the depths of sexuality, we are impressed with the shape of the Divine and of our true form.

Sex is a lesson in holding space for Love as the true Innocent does: accepting all, refusing nothing, grasping for nothing, holding onto nothing. Letting all energy pass and move through you. We move like the forces of nature move. Like the Ocean currents, and the air.

Join us again soon. We have a second part to this lesson on how Sexuality is then challenged by the ego and the key to unleashing it FROM the ego. Here there comes a lesson on the cure-all secret to "good" sex.


  1. Thank you for this lesson. Your perspective is actually very confirming.

    You describe the true Innocent in a subtly feminine tone. While all is accepted, all is given, restraining nothing.

    Also, It seems that we develop this capacity for sexual divinity as our independent connection to the Divine grows older. What do you think would happen if our connection to the Divine grew stronger as we grew, not weaker like they do now?

    Blessings to All

  2. Thank you. I believe that the connection to the Divine is indeed growing stronger as we grow. As a culture we are shifting in that direction, and the more of us who make a conscious choice to grow more in tune with the divine, the easier and more common it will be for this to occur for all.

    Just to share for the pleasure of it, something I wrote in Hawaii:

    There is something irresistibly intimate about the eating of a Mango.

    It seems something all too personal to be done in public like this. The first tentative taste is shockingly sweet and intoxicatingly hazy as the supple fleshy texture and sticky hedonistic music slides past your lips; a test of one’s composure, a blatant jaunt at all that is order and reason.

    The second taste knows you at heart already and has claimed your senses, has hollowed the brain of all thought with the raunchy beckon of dripping fruity surrender. The mango’s hormonal cries and aromatic nectars, swooping with Earth’s foggy regenerative forces have begun dancing circles around your cerebrum.

    Eating the exposed wet flesh just inside the mango’s skin sends a furtive shudder down your limbs, shoulders sliding glassy-eyed down your back like melting crème fraiche as you ease into the initial flow, the mango now carnal in its every intention for you.

    With increasing rhythm you return your central facial orifice to the wet succulent source.

    By the time you reach that most hidden and secret of pleasures surrounding the mango’s pit, you have brazenly abandoned all pretenses at harnessing the surge of savage inner passion. You kiss the tiny wilderness of undulating juicy fibers devotedly, without shame. Your neurons sing choruses of glory, glory hallelujia until the mango has seemingly evaporated, having transmigrated to the abyss beyond the veil, and you, alone again, withdraw: fingers smug with the sheen of dripping moisture, mouth sticky with hot orange sweet and the deep suckling tempo of the ripe tropical labia song whirring clean and reptilian, like the snake swallowing its tail through your temples. The pollen settles in a fine crystal coat over your spinal cortex. The sun blushes pink and red into the ocean’s deep embrace.
