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Monday, February 22, 2010

Chakra Discoveries

I have begun a regiment of cleansing my chakras daily each morning before beginning my day's journey. After having done so for six days in a row I have made some wonderful discoveries that I feel joyfully called to share with you. I must say that I am brimming with gratitude and excitement to have made such new discoveries after years of having been an avid devotee to the practice of chakra cleansing.

I understand now that I can owe this deep new level of understanding this practice to the fact that I do it with unfailing regularity now. Nurturing the practice of cleansing one's chakras and energy system is very similar to nurturing the practice of yoga. If you do it as often and regularly as possible, you find that you will go deeper and deeper into the practice. You continually reap higher and more powerful benefits as you go farther and farther with each Asana. With every practice session you devote yourself to, you become stronger and higher as a whole, creating more lasting and permanent mental, bodily and spiritual results. Chakra cleansing is just like yoga because it re-invents your being; in this case from the starting perspective of the energy body. Just as yoga re-invents the physical body from "bones to skin", deeply detoxifying and strengthening all of the body's systems, so too does chakra/energy cleansing re-invent the energy system, or aura. You are literally transmuting the substance of your being in working light through yourself. You are shape-shifting. You are transcending your own vehicle; attuning it to become an ever higher and lighter instrument.

In today's chakra cleansing I learned a few valuable lessons. The first one was literally a "ground-breaking" realization for me. I have always felt challenged in this lifetime in the practice of grounding myself. I'm not sure that I ever really understood the concept fully, or in fact, wanted to ground myself. I was not conscious of the power and potential in grounding, and so did not understand that there was a good point and reason to ground. Like many Light Workers and Indigos, I sort of liked being in outer space. Its where I felt comfortable, floating in the ethers. Today, however, I was shown at the sacral chakra level that grounding the energy that is streamed through *each* chakra is absolutely key to seeing your dreams and visions manifested on earth. You must ground the energy that whirs and reels through all chakras. The technique I used was to cleanse the chakra-instrument itself, make sure the energy was flowing through it fully and rapidly, then take that stream and visualize pressing it with my hand into a stone or tree or rock. The effect was amazing. I felt this rippling sensation of pleasure and openness. I was still clearly connected to the ethers, but in much better command of my presence. In order to manifest ANYTHING we desire, we must be grounded.

Another lessons I learned followed on the theme of manifestation. I recently noticed that the Crown Chakra is the physical location of all our hopes, dreams and prayers. These dreams are connected into the other chakras by the passions that inspire or "oxidate" the dreams. The passions ripple through each chakra and manifest in the expression of each chakra's major functioning. In cleansing and attuning the crown chakra, it is key to nurture and cleanse your dreams. In order to have a fully functioning high Crown Chakra, we must deeply support our highest dreams. I once heard that to abort your hopes and dreams can be more traumatic than a physical abortion, and having seen the beautiful, delicate state of my own beloved dreams within my crown chakra, I now know this to be true. I saw my own dreams as bands of metallic sunny-purple light, extending from my crown in rays. It is powerful to bolster them with love, care and faith. This makes for SUCH an incredible feeding of the soul for it makes us feel our deepest purpose and highest self worth in relation to the All-Mind. I highly recommend trying this, trust me, you're going to love the way you feel.

Another lesson I learned was that there is an extremely powerful tool in cleansing the chakras that will totally revolutionize your energy system forever: It is to purify and heal all of your human relationships at each chakra level. This too is part of grounding. Much of our earth-based experiences are made up of relationships; our shared experience and consciousness with others. If we can ground our energy in relation to others, we've really built a resilient, sustainable foundation for maintaining energetic clarity. Our chakras are inherently connected to those we relate with. We are married at an energetic level to some extent to each person in our lives. It is important to share pure, loving and unconditionally compassionate energetic cords to everyone, no matter how great or small their impact may seem to you. If for example, you can cleanse and heighten the vibration of your solar plexus, the seat of power, not only in your own auric field, but also in the way your power extends and connects to each individual in your life, then you've solidified and strengthened that powerful peace not only more deeply within your own life, but in the life of the other person too. You've created the opportunity to stay powerful in the face of all human interactions, no matter how challenging these interactions may have seemed before. We are never alone in experiencing the effects of our thoughts and our energy work. It is our divine gift to be able to transmute the world into a higher paradise for all by way of going within to uplift and serve ourselves.

For an introductory guide to chakras and how to cleanse them, I suggest Doreen Virtue's "Chakra Cleansing" book and cd with guided meditation. That was one of the first places I started on my quest with this practice.

I hope to learn and post more on this topic as I continue! Namaste, Joy and Love to you all.

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